Saturday, 29 June 2013

Times in July!

Forward Write

I have been formatting 'Times Hearts' and got an idea for another short story to add to this has set the publication to July. I won't give a specific date, as I have done so before. I  am enjoying writing this book and I have a few firm favourite short stories from it.

In other writing news, my re-editing of my first published novel 'The Seasons May Drift' will begin in earnest in July/August. I am eager to get this sorted as there was a few minor errors that had been overlooked. But these don't distract from the story so it is not a major issue.

I have had a lot going on recently and time is more constrained now so my hours to write are even less :( but hopefully this will be sorted soon. Thanks for your patience whilst awaiting publication of my next book.

In the meanwhile, check out my other books, currently all e-books, but will be available in paperback soon and limited signed copies.
For now my books can be found in all good online book stores including iTunes, Barnes&Noble, Sony e-Reader,, Smashwords and other good book outlets.
Links are to the right of this page. Download and Enjoy!


 “Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.'' - Mark Twain

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