It is also as way for me to keep his name and memory, for generations to come, alive :)
Secondly, he was such a very talented VFX Freelance Digital Media Specialist. His talent was simply stunning! He created and designed for many individuals and companies down through the years. He has left us with an incredible legacy.
If you do not know who Carl Cropley is please read my blog post http://jessoconnell-author.blogspot.com/2012/06/personal-tribute-to-wonderful-carl.html
The other reason why this book is important is that it will be my first published complete novel. I have two others that are gathering dust and hand written on an assortment of paper! So it will be a while before the next one will be published after 'The Seasons May Drift'
In total there will be two other novels. Both of which have titles but will not disclose them just yet!
For now the new trailer for my forthcoming fantasy romance novel 'The Seasons May Drift' is out.
Please view it here: https://vimeo.com/49423222 (NB; Pause music on my Blog before listening to the trailer!)
'The Seasons May Drift' should be published by the end of 2012.
Please check back for more updates
- 'Why do writers write? Because it isn't there!'.- Thomas Berger
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