Wednesday, 2 May 2012

'This is my post!' John J. Dunbar - 'Dances with Wolves!'


What better way to start my new blog than with a quote from a favourite movie!

I decided to move my blog to here, as it would serve my writing better plus I do not have to keep deleting my old posts!

'Nothing ventured! Nothing gained!' My venture into the literary world has commenced and I intend to be here for a long time! Many future publications are planned with several books in the offing.

Currently I am writing an epic fantasy adventure, the first of two books. I am one chapter down now with a lot more to go!

This will be the first draft and I expect a lot of editing, re-editing etc to do. I do not know how long this will take me to complete but I am hoping to have this done in a few months, hopefully!

There is another book before this fantasy adventure book. This book will bridge the gap between the wait for the two part series. The book will be romantic fiction stories along with love poems and sonnets.

It's all go at Jess central!

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