Ribbons of Colour!
The title of this blog post is in reference to something other than literature or is it? Today I was thinking back to my college days when I studied dance. For an exam I was to choreograph a one minute dance piece to any choice of music. My theme for this was to reflect on colours, not like rainbows, but the colours of emotions. Using this theme I created a piece with multicoloured ribbons.
Where does this come in where writing is concerned you may ask?
For me, writing is an art form, it speaks as if it were a painting, a dance, or a play! It should have textures, tones, colours, depth, form, light and shade to name a few. Oh and I will add in layers to that mix! Sometimes writing should go beyond the written word, it has to speak not just as itself but say something about the author, say something more than the characters are saying. Creating colours of emotions, seeing the patterns form, the steps taken, the arrival point at the end of a sentence or the final part of the book...the last line.
It is all about seeing more than there actually is written, the forms that come together before the commencement of that characters life. What is it that brought them that point? Lots to think on, lots to wonder about. There can be much more to a book than at first meets the eye or perhaps even thought about!
It is exactly as it is in most creative art forms, the depth, colours, light and layers are just some of what it can encompass.
In other news
Progress on my book is going well, developing new characters and twists! Feeling rather excited about this book. I am in no rush regards it, just enjoying how the story is unfolding!
The FREE eBook covers are all still available. These will all be removed from this blog at the end of June. So if you know someone who might like a cover for their book let them know about this blog.
'Write from the heart. The heart is a good place to start' - by Jess