Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Paths

A new year and a new beginning! So with this new year, I have decided to re design my blog. Oh I am not removing any of my old posts just changing the design, some of its contents, how I usually blog and so much more.

I want to make this blog more of interest to you, instead of just making announcements and updates on my latest work in progress, news etc, there will be plenty to whet your appetite.

I had felt for some time this blog needs a revamp so it will be re designed over the next week, giving the new year a good kick start.

Lots on the horizon and lots to look forward too. The past year just gone was such a mash up of good and bad, I am delighted it is now gone. So here's to 2014 for all writers and creatives out there, may it be the best productive and prosperous New Year you have ever had. All the best to you in good health and happiness! Enjoy 2014! Bring it on!


Saturday, 28 December 2013

Learning Curves!

The first conclusive Beta reading of my new novel has been given the thumbs up by another author/reviewer. I am delighted about this. I am not just settling for just one Beta review but a few, just to make sure the novel is as it should be and get different perspectives on it.

So far my writing for me has been a learning curve, which I have found immensely enjoyable and very frustrating at the same time. My next book, which is still not titled and yet to be completed, is along with the last couple of books, the most enjoyable fun I have had writing! But given my last two books, caused me so much frustration, I have planned that I will take some short breaks from writing my next book and then go back to it, read it and complete chapters in increments. I will keep re reading my book as I am writing it. 

I know it has been a good while since my last book was published but I want to take my time with this one. I have other books in the pipeline, lots of work ahead!

In other news, I have decided to change where I will place 'The Romantic Poets/Writers Column' will be. Instead of here on my blog, I have already created a Facebook Group in which romantic poets and writers can get together and exchange ideas, share work and links to works and advisory and resource group for all. The group will be made public soon. Just working on charters and usual rule applications etc. Further info on this and links to the group will be posted here and on my author page on Facebook. It's all going to fantastic fun and looking forward to meeting you all in the new group!

For now it ia back to writing my next book. I like to write in the quiet of the morning, when everyone is asleep. I like the lull before dawn, best time to write

Keep your eyes peeled more news soon!


“Being a writer is a very peculiar sort of a job: it's always you versus a blank sheet of paper (or a blank screen) and quite often the blank piece of paper wins.” - Neil Gaiman

Friday, 27 December 2013

'Tis the Season!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Season, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! Enjoy the rest of Christmas week!

For the new year, there will be changes coming to my blog, plus new, reviews, freebies eg ebook covers and so much more.

Currently I am continuing work on my next book due out in 2014. A YA Fantasy/Supernatural Romance.

More on my books progress and other news soon.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

Around the corner!

Changes ahead!

 Following on from my previous post, I will be making changes to the content of my blog posts. Change is good so I will be hightlighting a theme for each blog post, an eclectic mix, if you will, of a variety of topics, including: Author Interviews/Spotlights, Free Pre-made eBook Covers,
Book Reviews, tips and  what's new and info in the Indie book scene, as well as publishing houses and so much more.

I am looking forward to all of these and what is ahead. So keep your eyes peeled!

Next post in a couple of days.
