In the meantime I will be changing how I post on my blog..I will be including more reviews plus news etc from all aspects of the literary world.

In this blog post for today poetry is taking the forefront. I have many particular reasons why I wish to write on this subject. For me, poetry is a definitley a personal thing, but it is also something that other poets and readers can relate to. I have been writing poetry since I was knee high to the ground. The first one I recall writing was called 'Winter' and it won first prize in my school class. Of course I was delighted. In my mind though, it is not about winning awards or such high notes, for me it is all about reaching out to the world, reaching out to writers and readers alike.
Poetry today is very much in the frame of 'modern art' like a Piscasso, trying to decipher its multi facted layers and its true meaning! Art forms in many disciplines have also taken a 'bashing' because of how things have progressed. Only recently ballet has now been labelled a sport, mainly for its competitive nature and gym like dancers and choreography. To dance now you have to be a gymnast, a breakdancer and athlete, in strength, stamina and athleticism, I should also include the ability to defy gravity! It was commented on in an article I read about how ballet is less about art and becoming more sportlike. You can read the article here
The reason I brought ballet into this, is because the same thing is happening with poetry. It's less about feelings, emotions and more about static words, hyped and complexities of words. I recently came across a focus group on poetry. They speak of writing peotry with emotions, teaching etc. To quote what they said,
''Poetry is a form of writing used to express someone's feelings/opinions/a moment. it can rhyme and it can NOT rhyme. also, there is freeverse, where there is no rhyming scheme and no set numbers of lines in a verse. for more info read other definitions. A scramble of words that may or may not make sense to the reader, but always means something to someone.'
You should write poetry how you feel/see it and not have to conform with some standards that set the bar as exclusive or only for those that are educated with degrees in English, History and so forth. Poetry has to be accessable and not always conformist. I write where my emotions lead. I am a Romantic poet, I love Regency and Victorian times. No ,I have not read many poets of those times, but a lot comes from my love of those times.
It is with this I will close this blog for today. I hope what I have written means something to someone.
More updates soon.