Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Yet Again!!

 Not Yet Hello to  'Gossamer Wings and Other Things'

As you will know by my recent announcement that my next book 'Gossamer Wings and Other Things' was due to be published late yesterday evening. But unforeseen issues with the infamous Smashwords meatgrinder, has put the book on hold.

It may come to it, that I will have to publish the book with another publisher, which is annoying as I like all my work in one place. I and a good friend spent at least a good solid five hours trying to appease the meatgrinder, but to no avail. It, yet again, has been the most stressful, frustrating time I have spent. 

I will keep you updated as to the progress of the book and when and where it will be published. Thank you for your patience.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Hello to 'Gossamer Wings and Other Things'

Almost published

Later today my next book 'Gossamer Wings and Other Things' will be published. It is a beautiful little book and I am delighted with how it has turned out.

I also have made a promotional trailer for the book. https://vimeo.com/58283424

The book will be available shortly and you can download it for yourself or give it as a gift to someone you love for Valentines Day or anytime of the year or you can give it as a gift to a friend.

Work on the following book will commence later in the week. It is expected that the non-fiction book  'Scenes from a Journey' will be available sometime in April.


“I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.” 
                               -   James A Michener   

Thursday, 17 January 2013

A Note to Add!


After my next two books  'Gossamer Wings and Other Things 'and  'Scenes from a Journey' are published, I will be reviewing and re-publishing a revised edition of 'The Seasons May Drift.'

This year will also see, an audio version of my first book 'The Promise' and in December a beautiful sumptuous historical romance novel. The title of the forthcoming novel was taken from a short story I wrote as a child. What the story was about is long gone from my memory but the title I have  never forgotten. The title of the book and other info will be announced at a later date. So keep 'em peeled!

Some Thoughts

Although I have been writing stories, poems, etc for a long time now, I am only new to the world of publishing and getting my works out there so to speak!. I realised that after the publication of my first novel, it wasn't as perfect as I would like it to have been. I am learning as I go along and I can only improve and work as best I can. I never ever thought that such a little book would be such a task to publish! I ran headlong into formatting problems and some other errors, which eventually screwed up the book somewhat.. I will never do nuclear formatting again. Avoid this type of formatting at all costs. That is my advice.

“When you speak, your words echo across the room. When you write, your words echo across the ages.” – Chicken Soup for the Writers Soul author Bud Gardner

Friday, 4 January 2013

Changing Times!

 I just want to begin with a word of thanks and some mentions. Since this is a new year, I just want to go back over 2012 for a short time.

Carl Cropley. In 2012, I published my first book, 'The Promise' I would have not been able to do this without the encouragement and support from a very dear friend, Carl Cropley. Without his support, I would have found it hard to manage getting through with finishing the book. Sadly he passed away unexpectedly just before summer, but his encouragement and support have remained with me. Thanks to him I have bolstered forward and now have three books under my belt. I dedicated my first novel 'The Seasons May Drift' to Carl.

During the course of my writing, I have come across many authors who are caring and supportive of emerging writers and those already published.

Here I would like to give credit to some of those authors/writers who gave their precious time to help, inspire and who have been and are pro-active in supporting. They are down to earth and have no egos, they simply love and care about what they do and it shows: Thank you to Michael Phoenix and Vanessa Finaughty for all of your support and encouragement in 2012.

Please check out the links below and download their books. 

Michael Phoenix. https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/nightswhisper

Vanessa Finaughty: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/VanessaFinaughty

Daniel Meza. I would also like to thank Daniel Meza for his continuing support and for encouraging me with my recent writing and publication.in late 2012. Thanks to you I was able to sort out the dreaded formatting. Thank you

Thank you so very much to all of you. If I have left anyone out please excuse me, it was not my intention.

 And now to my blog news.

Since the publication of 'The Seasons May Drift' which is getting good reviews.
I have now commenced work on my next book, 'Gossamer Wings and Other Things.' This book was due out early last year but was put on hold after a profound personal loss, the death of a very close friend.

I am currently working on the first draft of the book and hope to have it published a week or so before Valentines Day or on the day itself this year, making this a perfect gift for your loved one.

 It is yet again, very different from my previous books. Its contents will be loving poetry, whimsical sayings and gorgeous quotes complimented by beautiful artwork and photography.

 Coming later in 2013

After the publication of 'Gossamer Wings..', there will be the long awaited non-fiction book 'Scenes from a Journey!'

Audio version of 'The Promise' and in December, a sumptuously beautiful historical romance novel.

So keep 'em peeled!

Updates and information on these and other news, will be posted here on my blog.


'I'm always pretending I'm sitting across from somebody. I'm telling them a story and I don't want them to get up until it is finished!' - James Patterson