Friday, 29 June 2012

Some People!

Allo Readers and Writers.Writers and Readers and Everyone else. Allo Everyone!

Today I feel I should break from the norm of my blog topics aka writing and everything literary!

Small things mean a lot, as would be just a single word of positiveness can mean so much to someone else. It does not take a second to do but leaves comfort and a sense of worthiness to the recepient as well etc. for a long time.

Small things matter more then big things, a smile, a hug, a handshake, a greeting...etc, so much is done by these simple little gestures.

Sometimes people lead way to busy a life to bother about these things and forget the basics of kindness, care and friendship!

We all need each other on this planet, this world of ours.

But in reverse, the small bad things can do much hurt to someone, again it would be a single word, the coldness, distance and never really bothering to know or understand, a single act of looking the other way, uncaring, and selfishness etc.

So much can be said here, and I know I have not covered all topics in that. But this is not a topical blog! My point is this. Life is too short. Far too short for doing stupid things, not caring for others and being our own worst enemy by doing or saying something that may hurt others.

Reach out to those who need a hug, care, love and support. We need to support each other and be there. It will not only make you feel you have done something amazing but also something that will help the other person and make them feel its all worth it

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.  ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You

Saturday, 23 June 2012

New Book Cover

This is a first look at the cover I designed for my new book which will be out in a couple of weeks. The book will be slightly different to my previous books, that which I will not disclose to you just yet, but it is going to be a beautiful book.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Moments & Back to Writing!


Allo, well it has been a very difficult past few weeks, with the deaths of two friends within the space of a week of each other. It came as a double blow, devastating, particularly Carl Cropleys death, was the toughest after the loss of my mum a few years ago.

Life is never easy and time may heal all wounds, but one can never forget what we have in our hearts.
Sometimes, the road is long and the horizon unclear, all we have is now, the moment. So tell the people who you love and care for how you feel about them and give them a great big hug.


Back to writing

I will be returning to writing my next book, hopefully next week. I intend to bring out two more freebies! Yes two more free books! I do not know as yet any publication dates or when I will have the promo videos for them sorted and published.  Notices will be posted as soon as possible.
Other interesting news soon too.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

A Personal Tribute to the Wonderful Carl Cropley

This is a very difficult write for me, for many many reasons. Where do I begin and is there an end?!

I have been blessed to know Carl Cropley. I never imagined in my whole life that there was such an amazing and beautiful person in this world of ours. I got to know Carl as far back as 2004.
From there an amazing and magical journey began, and it still continued and is still continuing!

I found in him a true friend and so much more. He was always willing to help me and to push me forward in my life. He would say, Don't do it for me...Do it for yourself or his famous words 'Get on with it!'  He felt time was of the essence, he loved life and all its new adventures and new doors to open!

Gifted and wise beyond his years, he instilled  in others a sense of purpose and perseverance. His skills as a digital artist and animator were second to none! He was the best in the business. I know he would say thanks in a humble manner and would shrug the notion that he was so, because he would always say that he is doing the best he can, and that was all that mattered to him.

Carl had a great passion for his work. He always said he was like a sponge soaking up the next
big digital innovation and software. He was the 'tutorial man!' He would watch so many, and was always learning too from the best in the business.

He always asked me my opinion on some things or what I thought in the early days, mostly that was because we both had a creative eye. He would always analyze things and think deeply, before making any decisions.

Some of his work I have been fortunate to see in its early stages of development, design and concept. Here is one:

I have many wonderful memories of Carl. He was a HUGE movie fan! He took in everything to do with film, film making, VFX, photography etc,. He knew I loved movies and instilled in me a different way to look at them through a creative eye and since then I do.

He was bitten by the film bug at an early age, sitting up watching horror movies when he was little. From what he told me he wasnt scared but would fall asleep when they were on. He was never afraid.

Horror movies didn't scare him. He would watch the movie 'Saw' without being scared. He had more guts than I to watch them. He never asked me to watch any as he knew I didn't like them.

Always putting others first before himself, He always made everyone feel at home and looked after. He had an infectious laugh and smile, that would cheer anyone who felt down.

In the early days, he used to only sing what he called 'Pub Songs' but he never really did karaoke. He used to 'sing' his pub song ' Sheep Dip Scooby Doo!' in a way that would make you smile and he would say he never had a singing voice, but I always told him he had a lovely rich warm voice and that he should sing more stuff.

I am glad he joined Bevox and sang with them. He was challenging himself and that was typical of him,always trying out new things.

He was always interested in doing things, new things and opening up a whole new world.

I have many photos of Carl, I have my favourites, and here is a personal favourite from my collection.

 I have wonderful, happy memories of Carl. There is so much more I would like to say, but he would have said, I have said enough and that it will bore people!

In closing my tribute to a beautiful spirit, I just wish to thank Carl for allowing me to know his loving and caring family and friends. No greater friend have I known before, and one that has left and made a big impact on my life since 2004 and has and will  for ever more.

He loved a lot of people and a lot of people loved him.

He will never ever be forgotten. Loving care to the people close to his heart, to all his family and loved ones may you all find strength through the beautiful happy memories of Carl you have in your heart.

His star is shining ever brighter.

Thank you my dearest wonderful friend Carl. Good night and sleep well

Your friend always

Jess xx

In fond and loving memory of Carl Cropley 13th July 1964 - 6th June 2012 

For Carl:   
                       'Have fun storming the castle!'

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Writing Diary!

Writing and editing along with two video promos are the undertaking of the day! I am enjoying all of this very much.

It will take a few more weeks, not sure how long as I am not working to a deadline!


                               'Forever is composed of nows' - Emily Dickinson                                     

Writing for Reading!

Writing comes from the heart it is written through emotion, imagination, personal/world life events. It has many shapes, forms, textures, imagery, etc.

Today, there are a lot of writers out there, mainstream published, indie and unpublished, no matter what, we all share the love of writing, the sense of adventure and the endless goal to write that one piece that will be remembered forever, and too give the the reader something aka that read that keeps them coming back for more from the writer.

It is all about establishment, finding ones own niche, finding that place where one can remain... in other words to become the writer the reader wants.

Writing is an ongoing changing art form. Ever onward the writer forges his/her name in the cement of  literary history!

No matter what happens with ones writing material, it is the enjoyment of having ones writing being read by someone else in the world, which make writing such a enjoyable form of work.


'Read to write. Write to read '- Unknown

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Working Write Now!

Writing away on my next book. It should be out in the next few weeks, plus working on a promo for the book.
Collaborative work project is going well.
Other book projects are also in the pipeline. A few surprises too!
' There is no way of writing well and also of writing easily.' - Anthony Trollope